First Post!

Well, here we are again. I have succumbed to starting a new blog at the ripe old age of 25... err 26 soon. If you have closely followed my personal life, you've probably known of my previous cheesy blogging deeds. Why anyone would? I don't know. Oh my embarrassing, emotional days of college were all documented on the internet for your entertainment. If you're good at finding your way around the net, you'll make that trek to uncover my past. Alas, you are lucky to catch me NOW. I've graduated to the next level of stability, in which I no longer have the urge to document my anger over losing a game of Monopoly against my family. Instead, I have promised myself to fill this blog with my thoughts on pomp and circumstance of adulthood (read: hours of Bravo channel, endless wish list, and skin rashes). Enjoy.


T45H said...

Hey plumber;)
I thought a 25-year-old hunk stopped by and comment on my post, ternyata dirimu...
Eh, grammar gw parah ya?? memaksakan diri utk nulis pake english soalnya..thanks n kisses for you baby.

Nom de Plume said...

Hi dreamer :)
Gak parah kok. Keep on writing.
Practice makes better because no one is perfect.